Robert Kammermeier, DST Diagnostic Systems and Technologies
This subproject is carried out by DST GmbH, which specializes in the development and production of serological tests for the detection of IgE antibodies for the supportive diagnosis of allergies.
This is also the aim of this part of the project: the development of a test useful for diagnosis by means of blood testing for the detection of specific antibodies against peanut and mustard allergens, so that the corresponding sensitization of a patient can be checked. Molecules (IgE antibodies), which specifically recognize and bind to certain structures of peanut or mustard allergens, are measured from the patient’s blood, serum or plasma. For each structure of an allergen there is a specific type of IgE antibody. By measuring this type of antibody it is possible to distinguish to which allergen from the peanut or mustard seeds and even to which exact structure the patient is sensitized. The different allergen structures to be tested are placed on carrier materials such as nitrocellulose or polystyrene. A small amount of blood, serum or plasma is added to the immobilized allergens. There the allergen-specific molecules from the blood react with the allergen structures on the carrier materials. Enzyme-coupled detection antibodies are used to detect the binding of these allergen-specific IgE antibodies by a colour reaction. These test systems can be carried out manually or fully automated and can be evaluated either semi-quantitatively or quantitatively.